Project: The North Wing, St Bartholomews Hospital, West Smithfield, London.
Project Duration: Approx 1 year through 2024/2025
Project: The North Wing, St Bartholomews Hospital, West Smithfield, London.
Project Duration: Approx 1 year through 2024/2025
Masons Scaffolding Ltd were approached by the client to provide a quotation and plan for the access, logistics and temporary cover to the North wing to allow for the general refurbishment of the external fabric of this listed building, the replacement of the roof and internal refurbishment to the Main Hall and the Hogarth stairs.
Maggie’s Cancer Centre borders the Wing to the East and all of the works and bridging over had to be carried out with the upmost consideration to the staff and patients.
To provide access to all parts of the building we opted for traditional tube and fitting scaffold erected in fully boarded 2.00m lifts with a 500Kg hoist to both sides of the building. Given the ground condition and the underlying vaults we designed the scaffold to be based out on a number of 300mm x 300mm baulk timbers to spread the load with numerous modular beams spanning sensitive areas. To give the project the most protective and aesthetically pleasing look we opted for a shrink wrap finish over normal plastic sheeting.
During the design period the height of the roof pitch proved a difficulty in allowing the use a traditional mono pitched roof, so we opted for a system type roof with a dual pitch that also allowed us to build on the ground and then crane in as cassettes, which limited the time that our operatives spent working at height. The roof sheeting could then be tracked over the roof from a cantilever platform on each side.
The Main Hall proved particularly difficult as there was to be no loading applied to the floor in any capacity. This necessitated the windows to be removed with banks of modular beams spanning between the external scaffolds in order to support the birdcage above; even the system stairs had to be suspended from these beams with the legs 200mm from the floor of the Hall.
Probably the most awkward part of the project was the scaffold to the Hogarth Stairs. The stairwell is curtained with irreplaceable canvas paintings that could not be removed or touched with a cantilever staircase that could not accept any loading; this required a sophisticated design along with a highly detailed RAMS and operatives who would take the upmost care when handling materials.
Delivery of materials on this project always had to be carefully planned and co-ordinated with the site management team given that this was a live public area and still a working hospital.
The project is now in its final stage of completion with the temporary roof and internal scaffolds all planned for dismantle in the next several weeks. We are currently in the process of formulating the RAMS for this work to ensure that we can achieve the same high standards of work as when we erected the project.