The brief

Masons Scaffolding were approached by the Steadbury Group to provide a full external scaffold complete with loading gantries and hoists in order to refurbish this elegant building set within Grosvenor Square adjacent to the old American Embassy. Along with the external scaffold the project required a temporary roof set up to enable the relocation of M&E plant on the roof and also give access to a number of complex lightwells, some over adjoining properties.

The challenges we faced

There were a number of logistical challenges to access materials to the various courtyards and lightwells but the main challenge came from the support of the temporary roof. The objective was to keep the scaffold out of view of the external windows for as limited time as possible which entailed that the temporary roof could not be supported from the external scaffold. We fully investigated the roof and found that the mansard upstand would possibly support the temporary roof utilising the lightwells and a support frame bolted to the upstand: this design worked extremely well and not only allowed the external independent to be isolated from the roof but kept costs down on the size of the temporary roof itself.


Currently on the last of the dismantle, due to be finishing in the Summer of 2024.


35 Grosvenor Gardens, London, SW1W 0BS